Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Welcome Aboard!


Welcome to the Ghostbusters of Minnesota's blog page! We'd like to take some time to tell you about ourselves.

We are a unique group with an undying appreciation for the 'Ghostbusters' movies, and we strive to entertain! While each of the members has been a Ghostbuster at heart since the 80's, the group was offically launched in Minnesota in the early 2000's. With members in Monticello, Sauk Rapids, and New Ulm, we like to think we truely represent Minnesota at it's best: fun, responsible, and more fun!

Some may ask what makes us Ghostbusters; fair question! Well, besides being very well versed in all things 'Ghostbusters', we drive an Ecto-1, a very faithful recreation of the classic Cadillac ambulance -- complete with full-flashing lights and strobes, red "tailfin" stripes, and yes, even the iconic siren! We also come in full uniform, complete with proton packs and ghost traps! Need we say more?

Our group is available for many events, like birthday parties, car shows, parades, Halloween events, photo shoots, or most any other event! If you have a child who insists there is a ghost in their closet, no matter how much you tell them otherwise, give us a call, and we'll show up, talk with them and show them they're safe! Do you think the Ecto-1 would be an awesome parade float or getaway vehicle for a couple at a wedding? We can do that!

You can visit us at our following sites, and contact us through any of them, as well as at the listed emails. Currently we have Myspace and Facebook pages, with an official webpage soon to follow! Be sure to check back for future updates, as well as a list of our public appearances! With Hallowe'en just around the corner, you might want to check back often!


Facebook (Note: You need to be a member to view this page)


See you soon, Minnesota!